Strategy Planning (2022-2026)

Strategic Objective

Indicators by the 2026


Targets by the 2026

Means of verification.

SO 1: To ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.


45000 children have access to Child Friendly and quality Education.

15,000 children have been participating in Education program of TFN.

45000 children


SO 2: Empower youths with Vocational Skills.

·       Provide need-based skills development trainings.

·       Provide Hotel Management Training

·       Provide Computer Trainings

·       Provide pre/Primary School’s Training

·       Provide Organizational Development Trainings

·       Provide Project Design and Management Trainings


5000 youths empowered through Vocational Trainings.

2000 youths have been participating in Vocational Trainings of TFN since 2012.

5000 youths

SDG 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work.


SO, 3: Increase income of families for better livelihood options.

·       Community Groups’ strengthening

·       Institutional development of the CSOs.

·       Agricultural and skill-based training.

·       Micro-enterprises development

·       Seed money mobilization

·       Advocacy, coordination, lobby and networking


1500 families have increased their income for better livelihood by 2026.

640 families

1500 families

SDG 1 & 2: End poverty in all its forms &  End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.


SO 4: Empower communities with Disaster Preparedness and Resilience.

·       Provide training on Disaster Preparedness

·       Provide materials and technical support to strengthen the capacity of communities to cope with disasters.

·       Empower and support the communities for reconstruction and rehabilitation.

·       Support the community-based institutions such as schools, health post and others in reconstruction and recovery process.


5,000 households will be empowered with disaster preparedness and management.

160 community-based institutions strengthened in disaster management.

1000 households







40 community-based institutions

5,000 households







160 community-based institutions.

SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.


SO 5: Secure fund for organizational development.

·       Project based funding partnership with INGOs, Bilateral, UN and government agencies.

·       Partnership with Universities and companies for fund raising and student exchange.

·       Fundraising campaigns.

·       Internal fund raising from capacity building, training, shops and income generating activities.

·       Individual donations.


100 million funds raised for the program of TFN.

50 million

100 million

SDG 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for SDGs (increase of domestic public finance)